Philatelic Society of Lancaster County

The James Buchanan Chapter #173 of the American Philatelic Society  
Chapter #118 of the American Topical Association  

Spotlight on our President

Charles J. DiComo, PhD

About Our President: Charles is a lifelong philatelist, postal historian and award-winning author and editor. He enjoys researching, restoring, writing, publishing and presenting on a broad array of philatelic & postal history topics. He is President of the Philatelic Society of Lancaster County (PA); President of the Empire State Postal History Society (NY), Editor-in-Chief of the U.S. Philatelic Classics Society award-winning The Chairman’s Chatter and Life Member, on the Board of the Pennsylvania Postal History Society and an emeritus member of the Council of Philatelists of the Smithsonian National Postal Museum.

A native New Yorker, he resides in Lancaster, PA with his wife Kathleen and their two daughters, McKenna & Mia. Charles is a seasoned executive leader with a distinguished career in Healthcare, the Life Sciences, Cancer Diagnostics, Biotechnology and the Global Clinical Trials sector. Professional profile on LinkedIn . Reach out any time via

Philatelic Curriculum vitae

Charles is very active in the philatelic community. He is the Editor-in-Chief of the award-winning The Chairman’s Chatter, Editorial Proofreader for The Chronicle, Webmaster and Life Member of the U.S. Philatelic Classics Society, and has held Officer and Board roles. He is also the President, Web Designer & Developer and Archivist of the Philatelic Society of Lancaster County (PA), as well as President and Webmaster of the Empire State Postal History Society. Charles served for 9+ years on the Council of Philatelists at the Smithsonian Institution’s National Postal Museum, co-leading the new initiatives committee and contributing to the NPM’s Arago website launched in 2006 – an online resource for the study of philately and postal operations. He is also a Charter member of The Philatelic Gathering founded in West Chester PA in 2018, whose mission is to share the love of philately with others.

He has received numerous honors over the years. Below are a few highlights.

In 2003, he received the U.S. Philatelic Classics Society Lester Brookman Cup, for giving unselfishly his time and effort to transforming the USPCS website into a highly effective electronic gateway for the Society and philatelic community and the American Philatelic Society Spark Plug Award in recognition of his positive impact and achievements in enhancing and growing the Philatelic Society of Lancaster Country, APS Chapter 173. In the 2018 American Philatelic Society Website Award Competition, three Gold Medals (out of 8 awarded) went to websites that Charles developed, designed and currently administers. These are the U.S. Philatelic Classics Society, the Philatelic Society of Lancaster County and the Empire State Postal History Society. This award recognizes website excellence and exemplifies the very best that is happening out in the local stamp and postal history communities.

In 2020, Charles was honored with the American Philatelic Society’s Nicholas G. Carter Volunteer Recognition Award for his National Promotion, Service and Innovation to philately and the hobby. In 2019, he was awarded the APS Article of Distinction for An 1845 “Ship Letter” from Port-au-Prince, Hispaniola to New York City on the Brig Hayti., which was a special feature in the January 2019 Philatelic Society of Lancaster County Newsletter, and subsequently published in the March 2019 Empire State Postal History Society journal Excelsior! You can also view the article and other award winners on the APS website HERE.

In 2020, he was the recipient of the Grand Award & Large Gold in Literature at the Sarasota National Stamp Expo & Writers Unit 30 for his work entitled New Plate Flaw Discovery: “Dash and Ink Trail” on 3¢ 1851 Stamp, which was published in The Chronicle 259 (August 2018), Vol. 70, No. 3, pp 215-217. He also received a Large Vermeil for An 1845 “Ship Letter” from Port-au-Prince, Hispaniola to New York City on the Brig Hayti. He was also honored with the Excelsior! Best Article Award by his peers at the Empire State Postal History Society for his 2019 article entitled From the Front Lines: Lt. Col. William G. Belknap’s First Hand Account of the Battle of Monterrey during the Mexican-American War in 1846. This article also took home a Large Vermeil at the 2020 SESCAL (Stamp Exhibition of Southern California) First Annual Literature Exhibition of Philatelic Articles.

In 2021, Charles was awarded a Gold Medal at the SESCAL 2nd Annual Literature Exhibition, a Gold Medal at CHICAGOPEX 55th Annual Literature Exhibition and a Large Vermeil at the American Philatelic Society Great American Stamp Show’s 53rd Annual National Literature Exhibition for his article appearing in the February 2021 American Philatelist research issue entitled A Noteworthy Precancel on Lancaster Watch Company’s Advertising Covers.

As one person penned, “Dr. DiComo successfully presented his research by weaving the philatelic research of the pre-cancel with a social story of the watch company. The author’s presentation style allowed his research to flow as a historical story instead of a clinical dissertation… The “lesson learned” is that world class philatelic research needs to be multi-dimensional… not only does it need to be well researched, it must be written in a manner that captivates the reader.”

In 2022, Charles was awarded a Large Vermeil at the 3rd Annual SESCAL Virtual Literature Exhibit of Philatelic Articles for his article entitled H.H. Warner & Co. “Safe Remedies” Major Double Transfer of Central Vignette on 6¢ Medicine Stamp, RS258dt, which was published in The American Revenuer, Volume 75, No. 2, 2Q2022 Issue, pp. 59-61.

In addition, he was also awarded a Bronze medal for his article entitled The History of the Ill-Fated Dirigible Akron and the Discovery of a Scarce “Souvenir of Balloon Akron” Fabric Postcard from 1912, which appeared as a Special Feature in the PSLC Newsletter, as well as The Card, the newsletter of the Lancaster County Postcard Club. Congratulations to all the authors and honorees.

Once more in 2022, Charles was recognized with a Large Gold Medal in the APS Star Route competition for his editorial prowess in publishing The Chairman’s Chatter, the Newsletter of the U.S. Philatelic Classics Society. Recently relaunched, this competition judges the various newsletters and websites of APS Chapters. Since the mid-1800s, the Star Routes were the most challenging routes in the country to deliver U.S. mail. Congress called for contractors to deliver the mail with “celerity, certainty, and security,” soon replaced with three stars. Our chapters serve and grow the hobby in those same tough terrains with that same mission. Four times yearly, Charles edits a Chatter containing the activities of the Society. It contains such columns as a letter from the President; various committee reports; members who have won medals at WSP shows; photos taken at recent Society events; etc. Congratulations, Charles!

In 2023, Charles was honored with two Vermeil at the 2023 Sarasota National Stamp Expo & Writers Unit 30 for articles published in philatelic journals in 2022.

The first winning article is A One-Day Wonder: Name of Post Office on Long Island became Jones Beach for a Single Day in 1932. This appeared in The Excelsior!, October 2022, Whole No. 36, New Series, pp. 3-6, the postal history journal of the Empire State Postal History Society, of which Charles is also President. This article was also honored with the Excelsior! Best Article Award 2022 by his peers at the Empire State Postal History Society. The second is H. H. Warner & Co. ‘Safe Remedies’ Major Double Transfer of Central Vignette on 6¢ Medicine Stamp, RS258dt, which appeared in The American Revenuer, Second Quarter 2022 (Vol. 75, No. 2), pg. 59-61. To view all the Awardees, click, PDF Mini-Icon 2023 Sarasota Literature Palmares.

In 2023, Charles was awarded multiple medals in the 2023 American Philatelic Society (APS) Star Route Website competition for three websites which he developed, designed and still manages.

For the Philatelic Society of Lancaster County website, he was awarded a Large Gold medal and the overall Grand Champion honor. For the U.S. Philatelic Classics Society website, he was awarded a second Large Gold. And finally, for the Empire State Postal History Society website, he was awarded a Large Vermeil.

Recently relaunched, this competition judges the various newsletters and websites of APS Chapters. Since the mid-1800s, the Star Routes were the most challenging routes in the country to deliver U.S. mail. Congress called for contractors to deliver the mail with “celerity, certainty, and security,” soon replaced with three stars. Our chapters serve and grow the hobby in those same tough terrains with that same mission.

In August 2024, Charles was honored with a Gold Medal and Large Vermeil at the American Philatelic Society (APS) Great American Stamp Show (GASS) 2024 Literature Palmares for his new discoveries and original research articles. The Gold Medal was awarded to “The U.S. 3¢ 1851 Stamp: Newly Discovered Plate Flaw on 91R1L,” which appeared in “The Chronicle of the U.S. Classic Postal Issues,” 281, Vol. 76, No. 1, Feb. 2024, pp. 30-33. The Large Vermeil was awarded to “An Unlisted Major Double Transfer on the Trenton Match Co.’s U.S. Private Die Proprietary 1¢ Revenue Stamp RO176d,” which appeared in “The American Revenuer,” Fourth Quarter 2023, Vol. 76, No. 4, pp. 18-22.

As one philatelist shared: “Charles successfully presents his discoveries by weaving the philatelic investigation in a presentation style that allows his research to flow as a historical story instead of a clinical dissertation… The ‘lesson learned’ is that world class philatelic research needs to be multidimensional… not only does it need to be well-researched, it must be written in a manner that captivates the reader. Congratulations Dr. DiComo!”

In 2024, Charles was awarded multiple medals in the 2024 American Philatelic Society (APS) Star Route Website competition for three websites which he developed & designed and still manages. Recently relaunched, this competition judges the various newsletters and websites of APS Chapters. Since the mid-1800s, the Star Routes were the most challenging routes in the country to deliver U.S. mail. Congress called for contractors to deliver the mail with “celerity, certainty, and security,” soon replaced with three stars. Our chapters serve and grow the hobby in those same tough terrains with that same mission.

For the U.S. Philatelic Classics Society website, he was awarded a Large Gold and the overall Grand Champion honor. For the Philatelic Society of Lancaster County website, he was awarded a second Large Gold medal. And finally, for the Empire State Postal History Society website, he was awarded a Gold. Additionally, Dr. DiComo, Editor-in-Chief of the U.S Philatelic Classic Society’s “The Chairman’s Chatter”, was awarded a Gold Medal in the 2024 APS Star Route Newsletter competition. Charles continues to share his passion for philately, postal history and world history far and wide.

In 2025, Charles was honored with two Gold Ribbons and the American Philatelic Society (APS) Research Award by the judges at the Sarasota National Stamp Exhibition 2025, Literature Palmares for his new discoveries and original research articles. A Gold was awarded to The U.S. 3¢ 1851 Stamp: Newly Discovered Plate Flaw on 91R1L which appeared in “The Chronicle of the U.S. Classic Postal Issues,” 281, Vol. 76, No. 1, Feb. 2024, pp. 30-33. The other Gold, as well as the APS Research Award, went to a New Discovery: A Loewenberg-style Decal Used on a Cover which also appeared in “The Chronicle of the U.S. Classic Postal Issues,” 283, Vol. 76, No. 3, Aug. 2024, pp. 232-36.

As one postal historian shared, Charles once more has successfully presented his discoveries by weaving the philatelic investigation into a style that allows his research to flow as a historical story instead of a clinical dissertation… World class philatelic research needs to be multi-dimensional… it needs to be well-researched… and written in a manner that captivates the readers.

Affiliations & Areas of Specialization

He maintains active memberships in the American Philatelic Society, APS Writers Unit #30, American Revenue Association, British North American Philatelic Society, EFO Collectors Club, Empire State Postal History Society, Philatelic Society of Lancaster County (PA), Pennsylvania Postal History Society; Reading Stamp Collectors Club, Red Rose Coin Club, Society of Paper Money Collectors and the U.S. Philatelic Classics Society (Life). He has also held memberships in the Collectors Club of New York, the Carriers & Locals Society, the Postal History Society, and U.S. Stamp Society.

Charles is a noted specialist of the U.S. 1¢ & 3¢ Cent Stamp, 1851-1860 Issue: including plating, colors/shades, cancels, uses, perforations, gum, paper and postal history. He is a 35+ year member of the 3 Cent 1851 Study Group and was mentored by Dick Celler, Dr. Wilbur Amonette, W. Wilson Hulme, Gary Granzow, Roy Weber, Bob Hegland, just to name a few. He also researches, writes and lectures on U.S. Private Die Proprietary Revenue “Match & Medicine” stamps and wrappers and the firms and wares they produced. Finally, he studies and publishes on Stampless “Ship” Letters entering and exiting New York City harbor during the 1830 to 1860 period, predominantly transatlantic sailings.

Philatelic Bibliography

36. DiComo, PhD, Charles J., A scarce use of the “Greenock Penny Post” handstamp on an 1839 stampless folded letter from London, Upper Canada to Kilmun, Scotland via New York City, BULLETIN, January 2025, Vol. 58, No. 1, pp. 4-6.
35. DiComo, PhD, Charles J., “The Elusive Double Transfer on the Ives & Judd Match Company U.S. Private Die 1¢ Proprietary Revenue Stamp #RO120dt”, The American Revenuer, Fourth Quarter 2024, Volume 77, No. 4, pp. 12-15.
34. DiComo, PhD, Charles J., Pay To The Order Of… A USPOD Check to a Postmaster from the Postmaster General, Excelsior!, October 2024, Whole No. 40 NS, pp. 6-7.
33. DiComo, PhD, Charles J., Unassuming, Yet Worthwhile… Personal letter from U.S. to Munich via the 1953 international printed matter rate., Excelsior!, October 2024, Whole No. 40 NS, pp. 3.
32. DiComo, PhD, Charles J., National Airmail Week of 1938. Let’s Retell That Tale Together, Excelsior!, October 2024, Whole No. 40 NS, pp. 12.
31. DiComo, PhD, Charles J., New Discovery: A Loewenberg-style Decal Used on a Cover, The Chronicle 283 (August 2024), Vol. 76, No. 3, pp. 232-236. (Gold Medal and APS Research Award in Literature, Sarasota National Stamp Expo & Writers Unit 30, 2025)
30. DiComo, PhD, Charles J., “Louisiana to France: A 6-week journey”, Excelsior!, April 2024, Whole No. 39 NS, pg. 9.
29. DiComo, PhD, Charles J., The Cook & Bernheimer “Sunsmile” Major Double Transfer at Left on their U.S. Private Die Proprietary Four-Cents Medicine Stamps #RS61dt, The American Revenuer, First Quarter 2024, Volume 77, No. 1, pp. 12-20.
28. DiComo, PhD, Charles J., Lady Erskine and the Prominent Philadelphia Cadwalader Family, Pennsylvania Postal Historian, February 2024, Whole Number 237, Vol. 52, No. 1, pp. 5-9.
27. DiComo, PhD, Charles J., The U.S. 3¢ 1851 Stamp: Newly Discovered Plate Flaw on 91R1L, The Chronicle 281 (February 2024), Vol. 76, No. 1, pp. 27-29. (Winner of Gold, American Philatelic Society, Great American Stamp Show, 56th Annual National Literature Exhibition and a Gold Medal in Literature, Sarasota National Stamp Expo & Writers Unit 30, 2025
26. DiComo, PhD, Charles, J., “An Unlisted Major Double Transfer on the Trenton Match Co.’s U.S. Private Die Proprietary 1 cent Revenue Stamp RO176d”, The American Revenuer, Fourth Quarter 2023, Volume 76, No. 4, pp. 18-22. (Winner of Large Vermeil, American Philatelic Society, Great American Stamp Show, 56th Annual National Literature Exhibition)
25. DiComo, PhD, Charles, J., Match & Medicine Stamp (M&M) Revenue Stamps EFOs, The EFO Collector, October-December 2023, Volume LII, No. 2, Whole No. 213, ISSN 1099-7377, pg. 9-11.
24. DiComo, PhD, Charles, J., What’s It All About? Dissecting a Foreign-bound Stampless Cover and its Markings and Rates, Excelsior!, October 2023, Whole No. 38 NS, pp. 10-11.
23. DiComo, PhD, Charles, J., “Oh, So Pretty! Prexies from Pawling Travel to Toronto via Special Postal Treaty”, Excelsior!, April 2023, Whole No. 37 NS, pp. 7.
22. DiComo, PhD, Charles, J., A Brief History of T. Kensett & Co. and an Updated Census of Their U.S. Private Die Proprietary Revenue Stamp RP1a, The Smokey Mountain Philatelist, Journal of the Ashville Stamp Club, January 2023, Vol. 16, No. 1, pp. 10-13.
21. DiComo, PhD, Charles, J. and Shaw, PhD, Terry, A One-Day Wonder: Name of Post Office on Long Island became Jones Beach for a single day in 1932, Excelsior!, October 2022, Whole No. 36 NS, pp. 3-6. (Empire State Postal History Society Excelsior! Best Article Award of 2022)
20. DiComo, PhD, Charles, J., Single Cover Shares Many Tales: Criss-cross Writing in the 1840s, Excelsior!, October 2022, Whole No. 36 NS, pp. 1, 14.
19. DiComo, PhD, Charles, J., H.H. Warner & Co. “Safe Remedies” Major Double Transfer of Central Vignette on 6¢ Medicine Stamp, RS258dt, The American Revenuer, Second Quarter 2022, Volume 75, No. 2, pp. 59-61. Cover+TOC+Article. (Large Vermeil SESCAL 2022 Third Annual Virtual Literature Exhibition)
18. DiComo, PhD, Charles, J., Cover Story: International Folded Letter sent by Ship just Days Prior to the Start of the Penny Black Era in 1840, Excelsior!, April 2022, Whole No. 35 NS, pg. 20.
17. DiComo, PhD, Charles, J., The History of the Ill-Fated Dirigible Akron and the Discovery of a Scarce “Souvenir of Balloon Akron” Fabric Postcard from 1912., Special Feature, Philatelic Society of Lancaster County PSLC Newsletter, January 2022, Vol. 85, No. 1 & 2, pp. 7-19. AND the Lancaster County Postcard Club’s The Card, Vol. 33, No. 3, Issue 372, March 2022. (Bronze SESCAL 2022 Third Annual Virtual Literature Exhibition)
16. DiComo, PhD, Charles, J., Mail from the Caribbean Carries an Earliest Known Use, Excelsior!, September 2021, Whole No. 34 NS, pp. 8-9.
15. DiComo, PhD, Charles J., Lancaster to Philadelphia; Same Distance, Different Rates – It’s all about the Sheets, Pennsylvania Postal Historian, May 2021, Vol. 49, No. 2, Whole No. 227, pp. 18-22.
14. DiComo, PhD, Charles J., Scarce Use of 1938 Prexie Makes Nice Addition to Local Collection, Excelsior!, March 2021, Whole No. 33 NS, pp. 22-23.
13. Bowman, John, D. and DiComo, PhD, Charles, J., A Sordid Tale, Investigation Leads to Surprise Ending, Excelsior!, March 2021, Whole No. 33 NS, pp. 13-16.
12. DiComo, PhD, Charles J. and Larry Laliberte, An 1835 Stampless Cover: London to Philadelphia via New York, BULLETIN, March 2021, Vol. 54, No. 4, pp. 5-6.
11. DiComo, PhD, Charles J., A Noteworthy Precancel on Lancaster Watch Company’s Advertising Covers, The American Philatelist February 2021, Vol. 135, No. 2, Whole No. 1441, pp. 144-152. “Collecting Insights” reprint of article on APS website, Jan. 13, 2023. (Winner of Gold, SESCAL 2021 2nd Annual Literature Exhibition, Gold, CHICAGOPEX 2021 55th Annual Literature Exhibition and a Large Vermeil in Literature, American Philatelic Society, Great American Stamp Show, 53rd Annual National Literature Exhibition, 2021)
10. DiComo, PhD, Charles J., Lancaster to Philadelphia; Same Distance, Different Rates – It’s all about the Sheets, Special Feature, Philatelic Society of Lancaster County Newsletter, January 2021, Vol. 84, No. 1, pp. 7-10.
9. DiComo, PhD, Charles J., From the Front Lines: Lt. Col. William G. Belknap’s First Hand Account of the Battle of Monterrey during the Mexican-American War in 1846, Excelsior!, September 2019, Whole No. 30 NS, pp. 19-27. (Empire State Postal History Society Excelsior! Best Article Award of 2019
8. DiComo, PhD, Charles J., The Life of Hiram Vail and the Obsolete Notes produced for his Banking & Collection Office in Amenia, New York, Reprinted with permission in Philatelic Society of Lancaster County Newsletter, July-August 2019, Vol. 82, No. 7-8, pp. 5-9.
7. DiComo, PhD, Charles J., The Life of Hiram Vail and the Obsolete Notes produced for his Banking & Collection Office in Amenia, New York, Paper Money, May-June 2019, Vol. LVIII, No. 3, Whole No. 321, pp. 190-194.
6. DiComo, PhD, Charles J., An 1845 “Ship Letter” from Port-au-Prince, Hispaniola to New York City on the Brig Hayti, Excelsior!, March 2019, Whole No. 29 NS, pp. 5-13. (Large Vermeil in Literature, Sarasota National Stamp Expo & Writers Unit 30, 2020)
5. DiComo, PhD, Charles J., An 1845 “Ship Letter” from Port-au-Prince, Hispaniola to New York City on the Brig Hayti, Special Feature, Philatelic Society of Lancaster County Newsletter, January 2019, Vol. 82, No. 1, pp. 5-11. 2019 APS Article of Distinction Recipient.
4. DiComo, PhD, Charles J., A Patrons View of the Bad Management at the U.S. Post Office Department in 1840, Excelsior!, September 2018, Whole No. 28 NS, pp. 3-7.
3. DiComo, PhD, Charles J., New Plate Flaw Discovery: “Dash and Ink Trail” on 3¢ 1851 Stamp, The Chronicle 259 (August 2018), Vol. 70, No. 3, pp 215-217. (Grand Award & Large Gold in Literature, Sarasota National Stamp Expo & Writers Unit 30, 2020)
2. DiComo, PhD, Charles J., An American Letter Mail Company 1844 Folded Letter from NYC to Albany – A Scarce New Find, Excelsior!, March 2018, Whole No. 27 NS, pp. 3-8.
1. DiComo, PhD, Charles J., From the Grain Fields of Virginia to a Gin Distillery in Holland, Excelsior!, March 2017, Whole No. 25 NS, pp. 12-15.

Philatelic Presentations, Seminars & Lectures

PDF Mini-Icon “The Development of Perforations on U.S. Postage Stamps By Toppan, Carpenter, Casilear & Company: 1855–1857”, by Charles J. DiComo, PhD for Learning About Stamps Online (LASO) Link to the Zoom Presentation on the LASO website (2025-01-21)
PDF Mini-Icon From the U.S. to Farther India & Back Again: A Five Month Journey of a Baptist Missionary Cover in 1856-1857. The Challenge: Determining the Rates and Routes, by Dr. Charles J. DiComo, PhD (2024-11-23, Philatelic Gathering, Chester County History Center)
PDF Mini-Icon “Who Needs a Doctor? This Elixir Will Do!, a Primer on the U.S. Revenue Act of 1862; the use of U.S. Private Die Proprietary Revenue Stamps; and the Firms and Nostrums they Marketed. Additionally, an exhibit of private die proprietary revenue stamps used on original packaging (bottles, boxes, wrappers) by Charles J. DiComo, PhD (The North Museum of Nature & Science Adult, Learning & Engagement (A.L.E) Lecture Series, 2024-10-03)
PDF Mini-Icon “Who Needs a Doctor? This Elixir Will Do! A Primer on U.S. Revenue Private Die Proprietary Medicine Stamps and Nostrums”, and an exhibit of private die proprietary revenue stamps used on original packaging (bottles, boxes, wrappers) by Charles J. DiComo, PhD (The Philatelic Gathering, CCHC, 2024-02-24)
PDF Mini-Icon A Brief History of T. Kensett & Co., Food Packers & the U.S. Private Die Proprietary Canned Fruit Revenue Stamp they Briefly Issued in 1867, Featuring my 2023 Census of known #RP1a stamps, updating the 1994 Census, by Charles J. DiComo, PhD (2022-06-08, updated 2023-03-20, updated 2023-10-08)
PDF Mini-Icon “The Development of Perforations on U.S. Postage Stamps By Toppan, Carpenter, Casilear & Company: 1855–1857”, by Charles J. DiComo, PhD for The Philatelic Gathering at Chester County History Center (CCHC)(2023-05-20)
PDF Mini-Icon “The Cook & Bernheimer ‘Sunsmile’ Major Double Transfer at Left on their U.S. Private Die Proprietary Four-Cents Medicine Stamp #RS61dt”, by Charles J. DiComo, PhD (2023-04-26)
PDF Mini-Icon The Providence, R.I. Pre-Mailing Control Marking on the U.S. 3 Cent 1851-57 Stamp, by Charles J. DiComo, PhD (2023-03-01)
PDF Mini-Icon The Elusive Double Transfer on Dr. Kennedy’s “Family Medicines” U.S. Private Die Proprietary 2 Cents Revenue RS155dt, by Charles J. DiComo, PhD (2022-12-14)
PDF Mini-Icon The William Gates Matches Company RO88e on Experimental Silk Paper, by Charles J. DiComo, PhD (2022-05-25)
PDF Mini-Icon The Scarce D.M. Bennett Private Die Proprietary U.S. Revenue Stamp RS30e on Experimental Silk Paper, by Charles J. DiComo, PhD (2022-03-23)
PDF Mini-Icon The Brown’s Bronchial Troches Scarce Private Die Proprietary Stamp RS40e on Experimental Silk Paper, by Charles J. DiComo, PhD (2022-02-09)
PDF Mini-Icon Wafer Seals On U.S. Folded Letters & Covers: 1840 – 1860s, by Charles J. DiComo, PhD (2021-12-22)
PDF Mini-Icon The Milwaukee Match Stamps of Greenleaf & Company: A Scarce RO102e on Experimental Silk Paper, by Charles J. DiComo, PhD (2021-12-08)
PDF Mini-Icon The H.H. Warner & Co. “Safe Remedies” Major Double Transfer of Central Vignette on their U.S. Private Die Proprietary Six-Cents Medicine Stamp RS258dt, by Charles J. DiComo, PhD (2021-11-10)
PDF Mini-Icon A New Discovery: An Unlisted All-Over Double Transfer on the U.S. Private Die Proprietary Medicine Stamp RS151 of Johnston, Holloway & Co., by Charles J. DiComo, PhD (2021-09-08)
PDF Mini-Icon A Brief History and Examination of the U.S. Private Die Proprietary C.B. Woodworth & Son Imperishable Perfumes company and the scarce RT20b Double Transfer, by Charles J. DiComo, PhD (2021-06-23)
PDF Mini-Icon The A.L. Scovill & Company” RS221e on Experimental Silk Paper: A brief History & Examination of Paper, by Dr. Charles J. DiComo (2021-04-28)
PDF Mini-Icon “Who Needs a Doctor? This Elixir Will Do! A Primer on U.S. Revenue Private Die Proprietary Medicine Stamps and Nostrums”, by Charles J. DiComo, PhD (2021-03-24)
PDF Mini-Icon The Providence, R.I. Pre-Mailing Control Marking on the U.S. 3 Cent 1851-57 Stamp, by Charles J. DiComo, PhD (2021-02-24)
PDF Mini-Icon “The U.S. Proprietary Medicine Company’s private die medicine stamp RS243e on Experimental Silk Paper: A Brief History & Examination.”, by Charles J. DiComo, PhD (2021-01-13)
PDF Mini-Icon Banking in the Village of Pawling, NY and Surrounding Townships as told through Postal History, Bank Checks, Currency, Revenue Stamps and Postal Cards: 1849–1929, by Charles J. DiComo, PhD (2020-12-23)
PDF Mini-Icon The 1893 2 Cent Columbian “Broken Hat” Varieties, by Charles J. DiComo, PhD (2020-09-23)
PDF Mini-Icon From the U.S. to Farther India & Back Again: A Five Month Journey of a Baptist Missionary Cover in 1856-1857. The Challenge: Determining the Rates and Routes, by Charles J. DiComo, PhD (2020-09-14 for the PA Postal History Society)
PDF Mini-Icon What Are Those Extra Lines On Your Gravure-printed Stamps, by Charles J. DiComo, PhD (2020-08-26)
PDF Mini-Icon The S.S. Tahiti: Her History, Her Sinking and a “Salvaged” Cover, by Charles J. DiComo, PhD (2020-07-08)
PDF Mini-Icon North Museum of Nature & Science / Philatelic Society of Lancaster County “Passport to Discovery” Program, by Charles J. DiComo, PhD (2020-07-08)
The Development of Perforations on U.S. Postage Stamps During the Toppan, Carpenter Era, 1855 – 1857, by Charles J. DiComo, PhD (2020-06 PSLC; 2019-11 RSCC; 2019-09 GPSCC)
From the U.S. to Farther India & Back Again: A Five Month Journey of a Baptist Missionary Cover in 1856-1857. The Challenge: Determining the Rates and Routes, by Charles J. DiComo, PhD (2020-02-12 at Club & 2020-06-10 at APS Summer Seminar)
PDF Mini-Icon “A Primer on the U.S. 3¢ Stamp, 1851-60 Issue: Plates, Colors, Cancels”, by Charles J. DiComo, PhD (2020-05-27)
The Development of Perforations on U.S. Postage Stamps During the Toppan, Carpenter Era, 1855 – 1857, by Charles J. DiComo, PhD (2019-11 at the Reading Stamp Collectors Club; 2019-09 at The Greater Philadelphia Stamp & Collectors Club)
Using Your Stamp Club Newsletter & Website for Productive Communication and Growth, by Paul Petersen and Dr. Charles J. DiComo, APS 2019 Summer Seminar Elective, and accompanying Handout (2019-06-24)
“From the U.S. to Farther India & Back Again. A Five Month Journey of a Baptist Missionary Cover in 1856-1857. The Challenge: Determining the Rates and Routes”, by Dr. Charles J. DiComo (2019-05 at the Reading Stamp Collectors Club)
“The Development of Perforations on U.S. Postage Stamps: 1855-1857.”: An Abbreviated Overview, by Charles J. DiComo, PhD (2018-11)
“Banking in Pawling, New York: In the Village and Surrounding Townships, 1849 – 1929” , by Charles J. DiComo, PhD (2018-08 at the Reading Stamp Collectors Club)
“The Providence, R.I. Pre-Mailing Control Marking on the U.S. 3 Cent 1851-57 Stamp”, by Charles J. DiComo, PhD (2017-06 at the Reading Stamp Collectors Club)
“The Providence, RI Control Mark on the U.S. 3 Cent 1851-57 Stamp”, by Dr. Charles J. DiComo (2016-04)

PDF Mini-Icon Restoration of the U.S. Private Die Proprietary Swaim’s Panacea RS235d Revenue Stamp of 1864, by Charles J. DiComo, PhD

To Be Presented:
PDF Mini-Icon An Unlisted Major Double Transfer on The Trenton Match Co.’s U.S. Private Die Proprietary 1¢ Revenue Stamp RO176d, by Charles J. DiComo, PhD
PDF Mini-Icon The Elusive Double Transfer on the Ives & Judd Match Company U.S Private Die Proprietary Revenue Stamp RO120dt, by Charles J. DiComo, PhD
PDF Mini-Icon The W.S. Kyle Match Company and the Scarce Private Die Proprietary Stamp RO122e on Experimental Silk Paper, by Charles J. DiComo, PhD
PDF Mini-Icon A New Paper Variety Discovery on a U.S. Private Die Proprietary Medicine Revenue Stamp: The Jeremiah Curtis & Co RS68e on Experimental Silk Paper, by Charles J. DiComo, PhD

A Few M&M Display Pages:
PDF Mini-Icon U.S. Private Die Proprietary Fruit, Perfumes, Playing Cards Revenues.
PDF Mini-Icon U.S. Private Die Proprietary Match Revenues with Wrappers
PDF Mini-Icon U.S. Private Die Proprietary Medicine Revenues

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