Philatelic Society of Lancaster County
The James Buchanan Chapter #173 of the American Philatelic Society

Chapter #118 of the American Topical Association 
This page houses images from our Annual Society Meeting, Open House, One-Page Exhibition & Bourse, held each year in November. If you have digital images and/or photographs to contribute, please email Dr. Charles J. DiComo. NOTE: For some galleries, click image to open Photo Gallery: at bottom click large “Arrow” to auto play images and/or “i” to read associated text; at mid-left or right, click small “Arrows” to scroll; click small “x” at upper right to close.
2019 Annual Meeting
On November 13, 2019 the Society held its Annual Meeting, Open House & Exhibition. 55+ members and guests were in attendance. The co-Chairs were Len Kasper and Paul Petersen and our Hostess was Diane Meek. The public was invited to this great program, which has been amazingly successful since its inception. President Dr. Charles J. DiComo opened the Annual Meeting; Paul Petersen discussed the December holiday dinner and passed around the sign-up clipboard and Get-Well cards; Lou DiFelice shared the Treasurer’s Report; and Barbara Buchanan welcomed our guests by name and updated all that annual dues were being collected. This was followed by our two speakers: Richard Colberg spoke on “Philately Across the Pond” and Mike Bach presented a slide deck on “More than just a Victorian Mourning Cover.” After a short break with drinks, snacks and conversation, ex officio Hal Klein shared the 2020 slate of Officers, requesting a motion to keep the current slate in office – the vote was unanimous. To conclude the evening, 15 members presented their favorite items either mounted on the walls or displayed digitally on the two large monitors mounted in the meeting room. An amazing array of stamps, postal history, and ephemera was shared. The meeting was adjourned by President DiComo at 10:00 pm, wishing all a pleasant Thanksgiving.
Wafer Seals on U.S. Folded Letters and Covers, 1840-1860’s, by Charles J. DiComo, PhD.
Ephemera of the U.S. International Philatelic Expositions, by Paul Petersen.
8 Cent & 11 Cent Unified Airmail Rate, Usages During the Prexie Era-1938-1946, by Hal Klein.
Chicago Silent Precancel & A Lancaster Patriotic Cover, by Robert Noble.
Uncommon U.S. Errors, Freaks & Oddities (EFOs), by David Hunt.
Select Philippine Islands Stamps, by George D. Hauber, Sr.
The Pink & Silverberg Patent Envelope 1873, by Mark Jardel.
An Exhaustive Collection of John Ford on Stamps, by John Ford.
More than Just a Victorian Penny Black Mourning Cover, by Mike Bach.

2018 Annual Meeting
On November 14, 2018, the Philatelic Society of Lancaster County held its Annual Meeting, Open House, Exhibition and Bourse. Nearly 60+ members and guests were in attendance. There were 12 exhibitions on a myriad of topics. This galley shares some of the highlights. Enjoy!
2017 Annual Meeting
On November 8, 2017, the Philatelic Society of Lancaster County held its Annual Meeting, Open House, Exhibition and Bourse. Nearly 60+ members and guests were in attendance. The new slate of Officers for 2018 was presented and voted on unanimously, we welcome our new team for 2018: President – Dr. Charles J. DiComo; 1st VP – John Hostetter; Secretary – Diane Meek; and Treasurer – Lou DiFelice. There were 12 exhibitions on 20 topics. This galley shares some of the highlights. Enjoy!