Philatelic Society of Lancaster County
The James Buchanan Chapter #173 of the American Philatelic Society 
Chapter #118 of the American Topical Association 
The Society holds three (3) Auctions a year at the Club (Winter, Spring and Autumn). Auctions are for Society Members-only. However, anyone can join the Society for $10.00 the night of an Auction and get yearly access. Material for sale is broad in scope, from stamps, postal history, albums, ephemera, supplies, etc. – both international and United States. There is always something for everyone at a reasonable price. Why not stop by, grab a paddle and have some fun!
Click to Download a Printable Form PSLC Auction Lot Form
(1) Register for a numbered paddle when you arrive. Place number on all of your items to be auctioned, and use paddle during the auction when you’re bidding. This will ensure that what you buy & what you sell are accurately credited & debited.
(2) Ensure all lots are accompanied by an accurate & detailed description (helps buyers to better understand what they are examining).
(3) Auction lot description forms have have been emailed and a limited number of hard copies will be available at meeting. You may also access form on the website any time. While auction lot description sheets are available, you can make your own as long as the pertinent info is included.
(4) Fiscal transactions will be completed after last lot has sold. No early settlements will be made.
(5) The Auction Committee recommends that you:
* (a) Bring cash to pay for winning items;
* (b) Keep a running total during the auction of the items & prices of the lots that you sell & win;
* (c) Attach sales information securely to lots you are entering into auction (This will help avoid misidentification with other sellers’ lots).
(6) Bidding Rules:
* i. Minimum bids are $1.00 per lot;
* ii. The minimum bidding increment is 50 cents;
* iii. Only dues-paying Society members may participate in auction;
* iv. auction participants are limited to seven (7) lots.
Finally, you may also donate items to the auction, as donations are a welcomed, necessary source of funds for operating a viable Society, such as special events, the PSLC newsletter, website expenses, and advance deposits to secure special event locations. See you there!!
The Auction Committee recommends that you: (1) Bring cash to pay for the items you win; (2) Keep a running total during the auction of the items and prices of the lots you sell and win; and (3) Attach your sales information securely to the lots you are entering into the auction (This will help avoid any mis-identification with other sellers’ lots).
1. The better you describe your item, the better it will sell.
2. Recycle your computer paper.
3. Consider setting your print quality to draft.
4. Seven lot limit per person with a $1.00 starting bid.