Philatelic Society of Lancaster County
The James Buchanan Chapter #173 of the American Philatelic Society 
Chapter #118 of the American Topical Association 
Study Groups
In the spirit of sharing and at the core of our mission, the Philatelic Society of Lancaster County is pleased to host this page for our regional Study Groups who elect to have the PSLC promote their efforts. The first such group is The Philatelic Gathering, of which our very own Dr. Charles J. DiComo, Lou DiFelice and Dick Colberg are charter members. Contact Charles J. DiComo, PhD if you would like your Study Group spotlighted here.
The Philatelic Gathering at The Chester County History Center
In January 2019, seventeen stamp and postal history collectors, researchers and historians convened at Bill and Patricia Schultz’ home in West Chester, PA to discuss how “To Share our Love of Philately with Others”. Also in attendance, Ellen E. Endslow, Director of Collections/Curator from the Chester County History Center. From this initial meeting, “The Philatelic Gathering” was formed to explore and share a myriad of topics and create new philatelic friendships.
Meetings are held the third Saturday of the month (February through November), 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM at CCHS. For more information on joining us or attending, contact Kean Spencer.
2025 Philatelic Gatherings
Chester County History Center, 225 N. High Street, West Chester PA, 19380. Free on street parking and free coffee and donuts. N.B.: After the meeting, whoever wants to join the group for a Dutch treat luncheon at a nearby restaurant in West Chester is welcome. NOTE: We are starting to plan for our 2025 Gatherings. If you are interested in presenting, please contact Kean Spencer.
Date | Lead | Host | Description |
April 19, 2025 | TBD | Louis Gotlib on “Liniments, Laxatives and a Congressman. Demas Barnes and His Stable of Patent Medicine Companies.” AND Alan Warren on “Denmark: The Christian X Definitive Issues of the 1940s on First Day Covers – An Overview.” |
May 17, 2025 | TBD | TBD |
June 21, 2025 | TBD | TBD |
July 19, 2025 | TBD | TBD |
August 16, 2025 | TBD | TBD |
September 20, 2025 | TBD | TBD |
October 18, 2025 | TBD | TBD |
November 15, 2025 | TBD | TBD |
Past Meetings Archive, Presentations & Photo Journal
March 15, 2025… Members gathered at the Chester County History Center in West Chester, Pa., to hear two fantastic lectures. Mike Wilson gave a presentation based on an article he wrote for First Day titled,
“Celebrating 50 Years of Airmail Service to Bermuda: A FDC Cover from 1975 and Maybe One from 1925?” Mike described flights of the airship USS Los Angeles from Lakehurst, New Jersey to Bermuda in February and April 1925 and the preparations made to carry mail to and from the island. He then described his research into whether a cover from April 1925 carried on the Los Angeles and labeled as a Bermudian “First Day Cover” was the real deal. He offered three pieces of circumstantial evidence that supported the assertion, but he couldn’t prove it definitively. He concluded by describing the impact that the airship Los Angeles made on Bermuda, including the fact that it has been commemorated on two Bermudian stamps.
Our second speaker was Tom Geiger who described some “Things I’ve Found Interesting and Saved over 55 Years of Collecting.” These included the first stamp he collected – the 1966 Johnny Appleseed U.S. commemorative, covers cancelled on Christmas Day and New Year’s Day, a first day cover signed by Peanuts cartoonist Charles Schulz, several envelopes addressed to Dwight D. Eisenhower, and a number of humorous messages seen on postcards, among others. Tom also commented on his ongoing efforts with eBay projects that take up his time and a lot of space in the house!
February 15, 2025… Two speakers offered informative presentations at the first Gathering for 2025.
Richard Colberg talked about “Miss Vickie by the Numbers, Great Britain Surface-Printed Issues, 1840-1883.” “Miss Vickie” was none other than Queen Victoria. He described the first 43 years of Great Britain stamp issues beginning with the Penny Black. He passed around a reconstructed sheet of the penny red.
Dick went on to discuss the plates used in printing the stamps. They were sometimes identified within the stamp’s design (1 for plate one, 2 for plate two, etc.) In some cases stamps were printed on two different watermarked papers, and in different shades. These numbers were different from those in the sheet margins. (Script to Presentation)
Ron Majors took us on the tour of the “1860 Royal Visit of the Prince of Wales to Canada and U.S.” The top royalty deferred and so the trip was led by Albert Edward, the 18-year old Prince of Wales. The tour lasted four months but covered much of eastern Canada and the northeastern United States. He showed examples of cacheted covers, invitations to events, etc.
About a dozen collectors gathered in a cozy room on the 3rd floor of the Chester County Historical Society (CCHS) for the November 23, 2024 Philatelic Gathering. This was the last gathering of the year. Before the program, Kean Spencer reminded the group that we use the CCHS free of charge and that any donations to the CCHS would be appreciated. He said we will meet again in February 2025 and reminded everyone to reach out to him if they want to present next year.
Kean Spencer then kicked off the program with “Puerto Rico Revenue Stamps 1899-Present.” Kean’s presentation was based on his exhibit of these stamps at PURIPEX 2024. This has not been a well-studied area of philately, but there is a ground swell of activity and excitement as collectors learn of the unique insight Puerto Rican revenue stamps offer into the history and economy of the island after it became a U.S. possession in 1898. He noted that although Puerto Rico used overprinted BEP-produced revenue stamps, all the tax revenue collected was kept on the island. Puerto Rico taxed a wide variety of goods including documents, coffee, salt, narcotics, matches, gasoline, chewing tobacco, cigars, and cigarettes. They also collected tax on tobacco products and spirits sold on the mainland. The era of revenue stamps on Puerto Rico ended in the 1970s with one exception: “colegio” stamps. To this day, Puerto Rico collects taxes on professional services such as legal advice, veterinary care, and plumbing, with the revenue collected supporting educational institutions that teach those professions. For those interested in pursuing this line of collecting, Kean called attention to the Catalogue of Puerto Rico Revenues: U.S. Administration, Sept. 1989-Present, by Gregg Greenwald.
Dr. Charles J. DiComo then presented “From the U.S. to Father India & Back Again: A Five-Month Journey of a Baptist Missionary Cover in 1856-1857”. Charlie provided a riveting account of how he unraveled the postal journey and personal history behind a cover with more than 20 cancellation and manuscript markings. He described the philatelic and genealogical references he used, as well as digital manipulation tools such as Photoshop and (what is now
The cover – initially with 90-cents of postage of which only 6-cents remained when Charlie acquired it – was sent from Ohio to a missionary named Reverend Alfred Brown Satterlee who, together with his pregnant wife Sally, had recently arrived in what is today Myanmar. Satterlee sadly passed away before the letter arrived, so it was returned to the United States. Sally and her newborn daughter also sailed back to the United States. Sally died on board ship, but her daughter, Emily, survived and lived to the ripe old age of 88. Charlie figured out that the cover initially included 84-cents of postage in the form of seven 12-cent stamps from the Series of 1851. By researching auction catalogs, Charlie tracked down a block of six that had been removed from the cover. The block clearly came from the cover because the postmarks matched up exactly. Charlie is still on the lookout for the seventh 12-cent stamp to complete the cover’s reconstruction.
Seven of the attendees then adjourned to the Iron Hill Brewery for lunch and discussion. To learn more about the Philatelic Gathering, visit our website HERE.
The Philatelic Gathering met October 19, 2024 at the Chester County History Center for two stellar lectures. Bob Myers showed spectacular material from his exhibit of “Siege of Paris 1870-71: Movement of Mail.” The exhibit tells the story of the balloon mail and other aspects during the four month siege. He also showed some new items that will be added to the display. Bob has material from all 54 balloon flights that carried mail as well as some that carried “entrusted” letters handed directly to the pilot. In addition to the balloons, he displayed letters that had been enclosed in lightweight metal balls and placed in the Seine to be carried by the river flow.
The second speaker, John Howker, described the Adams Air Mail Pick-Up and Delivery Service introduced in the United States for handling mail in communities that had no airports. The device that enabled the service was developed by the inventor (and dentist!) Lytle S. Adams. The first successful demonstration of the service occurred in 1929 with mail from Youngstown, Ohio to Cleveland. John showed many examples of covers carried by the service and souvenir mail associated with it.
The process was featured at the 1933 Century of Progress World’s Fair in Chicago. The system was simplified in 1937. Richard Chichester du Pont provided business expertise and overhauled the procedure. The business became the All American Aviation company and served 121 communities in six states during the 1940s. The system began losing money in the late 40s and was discontinued. The firm was acquired by Allegheny Airlines and evolved eventually into US Airlines.
The Philatelic Gathering met September 21, 2024 at the Chester County History Center. And what a great gathering it was.
Ron Lesher described the early Slaight lock seals used to secure bonded warehouses and distillery storage areas to ensure that the appropriate taxes would be paid. He showed examples of the locks and how the paper seals were installed. Anyone trying to defeat the lock would damage the telltale seal. Seals were printed in sheets of 54 (6 x 9) and with various numbering systems involving use of initial or ending letters and four different colors.
Dr. Vernon Morris, Jr. spoke about the postal history of the American colonies up to and including the Revolutionary War. He showed stunning examples of letters, some signed by Samuel Adams, George Washington, Lafayette and others. He showed rate tables and described the various stamp acts, the committees of correspondence and how the rates were expressed in different currencies as they changed. One set of rates was in effect for only six weeks.
Bob Myers brought un unusual show-and-tell item. He put together an exhibit of stamps and covers related to Queen Elizabeth II. He made copies of the material into book form and sent a copy of the book to King Charles. He was surprised to receive a letter from Buckingham Palace a few months later, thanking him for his thoughtfulness in assembling the collection and sending a copy to the Royal Family. Bob circulated the thank-you letter and the envelope in which he received it.
On August 24, 2024, our enthusiastic group of philatelists and postal historians gathered at the CCHC to listen to three dynamic presentations.
Bill DeWitt told the story of how his great grandfather in a sense got Bill interested in trains and the
U.S. 1869 U.S. 3¢ stamp, Scott 114. He described the connection with the Hudson River Valley Institute and showed a cover with an imprint of that organization bearing a pair of the stamps. Bob Rufe described his quest for
U.S. booklet panes with a focus on Scott #375a, the 2¢ carmine of 1910. He created his own album pages. He illustrated the sheet layout showing the positions of the various pane varieties and the guidelines and plate numbers. He is still seeking a few specific plate numbers. Tom Geiger was already selling stamps as a kid, dba Turtle’s Trading Post. He discovered eBay in 1998 and studied how sellers were conducting business. He then created his own operation and evolved a system for
buying, selling, storing, and shipping materials. In retirement it is not a business but an extension of the hobby that keeps him active.
An enthusiastic group of collectors convened at the July 20 Philatelic Gathering at the Chester County History Center. Over a dozen participants displayed fascinating items including a letter sent to William Still of Underground Railroad fame, a rare die proof and test prints of the Scandinavian engraver Martin Mörck, a real photo postcard mailed from Midway Island to Honolulu in 1907, an actual numeral cancel “hammer” from Canada, a tax paid revenue for a hydrometer, pages from the private collection of longtime BEP director Alvin Hall, the only known agent marking of the Philadelphia and West Chester railroad, an example of an E-COM envelope used during the USPS experiment with electronic computer originated mail, and a 1907 Tiffany stamp box among other items.
The Philatelic Gathering met June 15, 2024 and began with Paul Pitcher’s presentation on “Aviation Pioneering: Part II.” He focused on Le Grande Semaine d’Aviation and seven similar air meets held in France, England and the USA during the period 1909-1911. The images were largely real photo postcards. Photographs were taken and overnight developed and printed on postcard stock. Paul emphasized the importance of social history to understand postal history. Comments written on the cards by the senders contributed to reliving these historic events. Some of the pioneer pilots were Louis Paulhan, Glenn Curtiss, Hubert Latham, and Claude Grahame-White.
The second speaker was Russ Eggert of Dutch Country Auctions. He purchased the business 14 years ago from Keith Marsh and now has 19 employees. Pre-Covid, his auctions would draw 40- 50 bidders. Today most bidding is done online. Two trends he observed in recent years are the growing use of the Internet, and the disappearance of “packet makers” who made up envelopes with inexpensive stamps. Russ cautioned that one lesson he learned was to be sure “to look at every page.” One day he went through an album that had many blank pages at the end. He was about to put it aside with his initial evaluation when he decided to examine every “blank” page. He found that several hundred dollars’ worth of stamps had been slipped in between some of the pages!
The May 18, 2024 meeting of the Philatelic Gathering at the Chester County History Center featured two speakers. Greg Ajamian discussed “A Fourth Bureau Issue Mystery”, namely what happened to Scott #652? He discussed the many shade varieties and catalog listings of the 11¢ Rutherford B. Hayes stamp (Scott #563 flat plate printing and Scott #692 rotary press printing). They do not appear to be changelings due to light or chemical exposure, but rather variety in the ink composition at the time of reprinting.
Mark Schwartz discussed one of his favorite issues, the N.Y. Postmaster Provisional. In this talk entitled You’re Going the Wrong Way: New York Provisionals Sent From Cities Other than New York, he focused on use of the stamp at post offices outside New York City. In some cases the N.Y. Postmaster had furnished copies of the stamp to other post offices and when the letter arrived in New York or transited the city, it was marked PAID.
On April 20, 2024, the Philatelic Gathering members and guests met at the Chester County History Center to hear two excellent lectures by two well-respected philatelists and postal historians: Alan Warren on “Tibet: Stamps and Postal History”, and Bruce Marsden on
“Collecting the 1949 Engineering and Landscape Issue of Switzerland.”
On March 23, 2024, the Philatelic Gathering members and guests met at the Chester County History Center to hear two excellent lectures by two well-respected philatelists and postal historians: Mike Wilson on “A Tour of U.S. Collecting Possibilities Based on Advertising Covers” and Kean Spencer, who shared his collection of Danish West Indies (D.W.I.), U.S. Virgin Islands stamps, including postage, revenues, tobacco revenues, Christmas seals and postal stationery. Of special note were his copies of the rarely seen D.W.I. postal cards with wood grain watermarks, as well as, the St. Croix provisional tobacco stamps.” Following a lively Q&A session, all adjourned to a local restaurant for conversation, cuisine and camaraderie.
On February 24, 2024, the Philatelic Gathering members and guests kicked off the 2024 season with two excellent lectures by two well-respected philatelists and postal historians. The first was by Bob Myers on his award-winning exhibition titled
“UPU British Commonwealth and Empire Protected Specimens”, the largest such collection in private hands outside of the world’s museums and the Queen’s Collection. He brought along his exhibit of rarietes and displayed for all to see.
This was followed by Dr. Charles J. DiComo whose presentation was titled “Who Needs a Doctor? This Elixir Will Do! A Primer on U.S. Revenue Private Die Proprietary Medicine Stamps and Nostrums.” He followed up his most entertaining lecture with a hands-on exhibit of U.S. private die proprietary revenue stamps and product labels used on their original packaging as intended (bottles and boxes and wrappers). All are excited to see him return later in the year to expand the study to the Percussion and Friction Matches revenues and wrappers.
On November 18, 2023, 17 members attended the last meeting for 2023 at the Chester County History Center. Vince Costello started with his program
“Santa Claus: His Story on Postcards.” Using vintage picture postcards from his collection, Vince portrayed the iconic Christmastime figure known around the world. He described the other familiar names such as Kris Kringle and Saint Nicholas, depending on the country of origin. Some of the themes included treatment of naughty kids with a switch or lumps of coal, the Rocking Horse Santa, his transportation by sleigh and other means, and images of the American cartoonist Thomas Nast.
The final speaker, Kean Spencer, displayed some of his magnificent collection of stamp boxes and cases and discussed their evolution. The first containers were used for wafers that replaced sealing wax and other envelope closures. The first boxes appeared in 1851 and were made of wood and brass. Stamp cases were used to dispense the stamps and were known in both cardboard and wood. Later, more elaborate boxes were made of silver, porcelain, and even gold. Other postage stamp dispensers were designed to be carried on the person. The years 1880 to 1915 were the heyday for stamp boxes.
Rounds of applause for both speakers were followed by special recognition of Bill Schultz who created the concept of holding Saturday philatelic meetings, later named The Philatelic Gathering. Kean Spencer was also recognized for stepping into Bill’s shoes beginning with the 2024 meetings.
2023-10-21 Fifteen members assembled to hear two interesting talks. Lou Glasgow led off with his in-depth look at
“Zeppelins as Propaganda Tools”. He began with the fact that Ferdinand von Zeppelin was as observer with the Union Army during the American Civil War. He described the early use of zeppelins to carry mail and passengers. The first mail carried was by the LZ-4 in 1908. Lou went on to discuss the first zeppelin Transatlantic flight; a profile of Hugo Eckener, manager of the firm that designed and built the famous airships; the zeppelin at the Chicago Century of Progress Fair; and the LZ-129 at the 1936 Olympics, among many other fascinating subjects.
Ron Majors then explored
“The Difficulty of Mail Correspondence between Pre-Confederation Canada and the Southern States during the Civil War”. He began with the fact that John Brown, of Harper’s Ferry fame, was instrumental in helping slaves escape to Canada. During the Civil War, mail to and from Canadian soldiers and their families serving in the Union Army was handled by the Union Post Office. However, Canadians serving in the Confederacy had great difficulty in sending and receiving correspondence that required Flag of Truce Mail, blockade runners, or hand-carried and private express methods. Ron showed some extremely rare pieces of such mail.
2023-09-16 Twelve members assembled to hear two interesting talks. New member Rick Leiby was introduced. Kean Spencer announced that Kevin Kellman and his K2 Stamp Mobile would be at our next meeting in October. Kevin has millions of stamps from all over the world. He cannot bring his entire stock, but you can let him know in advance what you are interested in – He also has some supplies such as glassines and stock cards. His Stamp Mobile will be parked in the alley next to the Chester County History Center (CCHC) and over the course of the program and even beyond 12 noon, 3 or 4 people at a time can take turns visiting the van.
The first speaker in September was Alan Warren who discussed the U.S. 1926 John Ericsson stamp (Scott 628). He showed essay photographs, die proofs, marginal markings including the initials of the siderographers and plate finishers, a wide variety of cachets and other FDCs. He finished up with uses of the stamp by varying mail services and to foreign destinations. Enjoy his presentation once again here “The 1926 U.S. John Ericsson Stamp: Production, First Day Covers, Other Uses”.
Steve Washburne focused on the 1940 Sir Rowland Hill commemorative set of seven stamps of Portugal marking the centenary of the famous inventor who introduced the concept of prepayment of postage with adhesives. He showed color trial proofs and explained the use of the different denominations for domestic and foreign letters, postcards, and printed matter. Many fascinating airmail uses and foreign destinations were seen including censored mail sent during the early 1940s.
Members then retired to the Iron Hill Brewery for lunch and to celebrate Tom Geiger’s birthday.
2023-08-19 Seventeen gathered to hear two speakers. John Howker described U.S. airmail stamped envelopes, specifically the monoplane design used from 1923 to 1946. He discussed the transcontinental first flight as background and then focused on the monoplane envelope design with die proofs and watermark varieties. He also showed uses including survey flights, uses to the Far East, Europe, Zeppelin use, the concessionary military rate, the 1¢ surcharge for the increased rate in 1958, and Dorothy Knapp cacheted envelopes.
“Collecting U.S. Stamped Airmail Envelopes”, by John Howker
Bill Schultz shared some pages of his exhibit on the enclosed 5-cent rate on stampless mail before the 1847s were issued. This was a narrow period of time, and he focused on the use of the figure “5” enclosed in circles, ovals, triangles, and boxes—nine types altogether. The handstamps were made of rubber, wood, and brass. The rate was usually on a collect rather than prepaid basis
2023-07-15 We convened the Gathering promptly at 10:00 AM in the CCHC auditorium on N. High St., West Chester, PA, 19380. There were 20 attendees (+/-2). Coffee & donuts were provided by Bill Schultz.
The first speaker of the two scheduled was Robert Myers of Spring City PA. Bob spoke for about 45 minutes on one of his favorite subjects: The late Queen Elizabeth. He gave a thorough understanding of her life and its relationship to postage stamps of the U.K. and the Commonwealth of Nations under her guidance for over 70 years. Enjoy his Three-Frame Exhibit entitled
Honoring Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, April 21, 1926 – September 8, 2022.
Our second speaker was the award-winning exhibitor Mark Schwartz of Philadelphia. Mark spoke for over one hour on the N.Y. Postmaster Provisional Issue and enthralled everyone with his breadth of knowledge on the subject. He shared with the Gathering an amazing display of one great example after example of one of the finest collections ever assembled on the subject. Enjoy his presentation entitled
The New York Postmaster Provisional Stamp of 1845.
Both speakers handled a number of questions from the attendees with aplomb. The Gathering adjourned at @11:55 AM for a tasty luncheon at the Iron Hill Brewery nearby in West Chester.
2023-06-17 What a great Father’s Day and Philatelic Gathering. About 20 members gathered on June 17 at the Chester County History Center to hear three speakers.
Gus Spector’s presentation was entitled
The Finley Acker Special Delivery Post. Gus started off with his description of the Acker Special Delivery of Philadelphia. He once bought a collection in a box and sometime later he began to look at the contents in detail. He discovered it was an accumulation of stamps, covers, postcards and advertisements pertaining to the Acker Special Delivery Service. In the 1870s, the Finley Acker department store opened in Philadelphia and finally closed its doors in 1920. One unusual service they offered was the local delivery of mail using their own stamps. He showed examples of the stamps as singles and multiples. There were three different types that were issued in a variety of shades and colors over the years. He also had examples on cards and covers. The mail was hand delivered, usually for a penny. Gus has written about the Acker delivery service in The Penny Post, journal of the Carriers and Locals Society. After the turn of the century, the U.S. government decreed that mail had to bear U.S. postage stamps, not just privately issued ones.
Kean Spencer presented a display of the stamps issued for the Philippines under U.S. administration. He built what is a nearly complete set of the stamps and postal stationery in just a few short years. He began with the U.S. Bureau issues overprinted PHILIPPINES followed by the definitives depicting José Rizal, the stamps of the 1920s and 30s, the COMMONWEALTH overprints, and the VICTORY overprints. Kean also showed the air post stamps, special delivery issues, postage dues and officials, post office seals, envelopes, wrappers, and postal cards, and Japanese occupation issues of the early 1940s. Some example pages of his collection were on display in the frames.
The final speaker was paper historian and author A.J. Valente, who drove all the way down from New Hampshire! He focused on the change in paper for the U.S. 1857 issue. Toppan and Carpenter evaluated handmade paper by Willcox vs. that made by machine by the Crane Paper Company. Using Crane correspondence, the Arthur M. Travers Papers and other sources, Valente described the production testing in 1858 and compared the pros and cons of the two manufacturers with respect to rag content, shrinkage, impression quality, and cost. Enjoy his presentation
U.S. 1857 Issue: Paper Changes of 1859.
Following the presentations, some of the group retired to the Iron Hill Brewery restaurant for lunch. Looking forward to seeing you all in July.
2023-05-20 Thirteen philatelists gathered at the Chester County History Center (CCHC) in West Chester, PA to hear two outstanding presentations.
Ron Majors led off with an informative discussion entitled “Canada-U.S. St. Lawrence Seaway: Its Commemorative Stamps and Major Varieties”. The stamp, issued in 1959, marked the opening of the Seaway and was a joint issue with a similar stamp of the United States. Using material from his own collection along with the definitive reference book on the subject – Charles Verge’s “The 1959 St. Lawrence Seaway Joint Issue and its Invert,” Ron explained how it was printed and showed examples of the invert on and off cover as well as with kiss-prints.
Dr. Charles J. DiComo followed up with a research study entitled
“The Development of Perforations on U.S. Postage Stamps by Toppan, Carpenter, Casilear & Company: 1855-1857”. Charles revisited the events preceding the purchase of the perforating machine by Toppan, Carpenter & Co. (TCC); review the inventors of the rotary perforating machine and the rouletting trial period by TCC with Perkins, Bacon and Bemrose in England; the conversion to a perforator by TCC, and the issuance of perforated 3¢ stamps in February 1857. Research determined that examples of the stamp with a vertical line that looks like it was made with a felt-tip marker, are in fact proofs utilized during the perforation trials. The proofs are also on a thinner paper that distinguishes them from normal stamps. Charles’ never-ending research has been in progress for decades and is in tribute to his mentor W. Wilson Hulme, who pioneered this area and passed along his database and unpublished research prior to his passing.
2023-04-15 “You’ve Never Seen This Before!” Nineteen members attended our Gathering, including three new ones. Members were invited to discuss an unusual item that was not likely to have been seen before, and to share it by passing the item around. These items included: New York Provisional covers; a way cover from Bahia, Brazil to Portugal; old printed matter examples from Canada; a photo postcard of Brown’s Tennessee Rats baseball club; local stamps of Morocco; genuine and forged postal stationery of the 1876 Centennial; a 1941 “lost” letter from Spanish Morocco needed for a friend and for which there is a reward.
Other material included rarities related to the U.S. special handling stamps; Danish West Indies postal stationery; the Danish bicolor oval issue flaws; an 1833 stampless cover and a cover related to Joseph Steinmetz of Philadelphia; a South Carolina cover with Sc. #2; a Zeppelin around-the-world card; hand-painted cachets of Halvorsen; a 1748 free frank cover; and a “unique” cover showing a 6½ cent rate.
Still more unusual items included a 1766 bill of lading; progressive color proofs of foreign Christmas seals; UPU specimen stamps of the British Commonwealth; a piece of balloon mail from the 1870 siege of Paris; a zeppelin cover from Rio de Janeiro to England with a special stamp printed by Condor addressed to a family member; and a salvaged cover from the sinking of the S.S. Tahiti.
As a gesture to the club meeting at the Chester County History Center, the staff had a special display in their library of postally related items for members to view. Many members then retired to the Iron Hill Brewery for lunch. Kindly submitted by Alan Warren
Dr. Charles J. DiComo is pleased to share his presentation entitled “The S.S. Tahiti: Her History, Her Sinking and a ‘Salvaged’ Cover”.
2023-03-18 What an amazing feeling after three years to gather once more. Bill Schultz opened the session by welcoming back all attendees, thanking the Chester County History Center for their generous use of their facilities, and our speakers for agreeing to share their knowledge, expertise and love of stamps and postal history. Please reach out if you are interested in presenting.
Gus Spector led the session with a brief overview of Philadelphia Hotel Markings on folded letters from the stampless era, many of which are quite rare, and a few were new to the existing census. A phenomenal journey through old Philadelphia City.
Next, Kean Spencer shared his most recent philatelic endeavor entitled Stamps of Puerto Rico, from Spanish Dominion through U.S. Possession. Kean showed a nearly complete collection from this country, along with revenues, postal stationery, postal cards and a number of rarities.
Finally, Dr. Charles J. DiComo rounded out the Gathering with an original research project entitled
The Providence, R.I. Pre-Mailing Control Marking on the U.S. 3 Cents 1851-57 Stamp. His re-discovery nearly two decades ago of a number of covers and adhesives led to a re-examination of what had previously been termed a “silent precancel” on the U.S. 3¢ stamp, 1851-57 Issue. The stamps have either a single horizontal and/or vertical ruled line (or both) in black pencil and/or red pencil (or both) spanning the stamp from edge to edge. An examination of over 700 Providence covers (and many more stamps) from 1851 through 1860 and the discovery of thirteen year-dated covers confirmed the period of use as April 1855 to October 1857. These control marked 3¢ stamps were post-cancelled with the Providence, RI CDS and accepted for postage at the Providence PO. Brown University appears to be a main “account” holder, with other prominent businesses and families partaking, e.g.: Corliss Steam Engine Co.; H.F. Walling Publishers; Comstock; et al. This original research and remarkable story of ingenuity at the Providence, RI Post Office was shared.
2020-01: The following document has been released to the public domain and is being shared by Ed Siskin. This collection was exhibited in various national stamp shows in the early 1980’s and at AMERIPEX ’86. The collection was sold in Superb Auctions dated April 29, 1989 & September 22, 1989. This exhibit focuses on the Washington-Franklin Series: 1908-1922, one of the most complex and fascinating series of stamp ever issued by the United States, boasting more than 210 major catalog listings. The exhibit shows the evolution of the series with select covers included to illustrate each change. Enjoy!
Washington-Franklin Series of 1908-1922, On Cover and Piece, by Ed Siskin, Released to the Public Domain.
2019-11-16: Twenty-two members and guests were in attendance for the final Gathering of the club’s inaugural year. Alan Warren served as host. Dr. Charles DiComo spoke about the membership update and the list of 2020 meeting dates that are now posted on the website. Alan read the minutes of the October meeting that Jean Woods had recorded. Bill Schultz gave an update on donations.
The first speaker was Richard Colberg who described the anxiety that, both collectors as well as those who inherited collections and are not collectors, experience when they want to sell a collection—they feel that dealers and auction houses may take advantage of them. He listed steps that should be taken for disposal of collections that may be general or specialized, or beginner’s type. He differentiated between catalog value and fair market value. Sales can be via collector-to-collector, club auctions, APS sales circuit books, dealers, auction houses, eBay or Delcampe online auctions, or APS StampStore. Appraisals are needed in general in order to take advantage for tax purposes.
Gene Fricks was the second speaker on “Direct Mail Promotion.” This is the largest volume generated in the field of advertising. Early advertising was carried out with newsletters, newspapers, book lists, etc. Illustrated envelopes were then used to urge the recipient to open the envelope. Gene described the Mulready envelopes and use of woodcuts for early illustrated mail. These evolved into multi-color lithography, patriotic covers first used during the Civil War, and those bearing images of political candidates, farm equipment, tea companies, schools and colleges, etc. America adopted the technology developed in Germany for multicolored illustrations on advertising covers, followed by Canada and then the rest of the world. The phrase “Direct Mail Advertising” was introduced in 1905. Gene included an extensive bibliography of sources in this field. About 15 members then adjourned to the Iron Hill Brewery for lunch. Write-up: A. Warren; Photo’s: Dr. DiComo. View the Agenda HERE.
Direct Mail Promotion, by Gene Fricks (8MB).
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2019-10-19: Our October meeting was hosted by Robert Rufe with 20+ members and guests present. Ellen Endslow of the CCHS reminded us to continue voting online for the opportunity to obtain funds to help the Society undertake much-needed roof repairs. Charles DiComo announced 34 members were in the Gathering and a new addition, Dr. Paul Petersen of the Philatelic Society of Lancaster County joined today, making the total 35. In Alan Warren’s stead, Charles also read the minutes from the September 21 meeting. This was followed by our two excellent speakers, with Kean Spencer leading off with two frames of U.S. Possessions, including Puerto Rico, Cuba, Guam, Philippines, Hawaii, Ryukyu Islands and Canal Zone. Kean showed off many of the key stamps which completes these series. Next Robert Rufe walked us through a presentation (available below) of the exciting new listings in the 2020 Scott Specialized Catalog of the 1928 Fourth Bureau Stamps printed on Booklet Paper. This has been a decade long effort by Bob and we congratulate him. After a brief Q&A on current copyright law with respect to digital images of prior-owned collections and use in the public domain, the Gathering retired to the Iron Hill Brewery to continue the dynamic discussion.
1928 Fourth Bureaus on Special Booklet Paper, by Robert G. Rufe, Governor, U.S Stamp Society, 2019.
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2019-09-21: Our September meeting was hosted by Bill Schultz with 18 members and guests present. Ellen Enslow of the CCHS advised us that effective September 24 we could vote online for an opportunity to obtain funds to help the Society undertake needed roof repairs. Charles DiComo announced 33 members were in the Gathering and a new one, Jean Woods from the Brandywine Valley Stamp Club joined today, making the total 34. Alan Warren read the minutes from the August 17 meeting. Tom Geiger spoke about “U.S. Private Perforations” using his 1-cent Franklin Sc. #314 imperf issue as the basis. This was his Part 2 presentation as he spoke about the Sc. #300 stamp itself in May. He also had a Schermack vending machine on display. Alan Warren presented a program about the U.S. 1933 Byrd Antarctic stamp—pre-production essays and die proofs, printing anomalies, first day covers, and non-first day uses of the stamp. In the open discussion session, Alan mentioned the “philatelic crime” that was committed when collectors and exhibitors sell their collections, and their years of research notes or page write-ups are lost. He urged everyone to prepare PDFs of their collections with notes or their exhibits and to place them with philatelic libraries such as the American Philatelic Research Library. This way other collectors can benefit from your studies. Several other philatelic sites that displayed exhibits were also mentioned. The Gathering retired to the Iron Hill Brewery for lunch. Write-up: A. Warren; Photo’s: C. DiComo. Click for Agenda.
The U.S. 1933 Byrd Antarctic Issue, by Alan Warren, RDP, 2019.
“The Benjamin Franklin U.S. One Cent Green Stamp: The Private Perforation Story”, by Thomas Geiger, 2019.
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2019-08-17: Our sixth meeting was hosted by Bill Schultz. 17 members and guests were present and coffee and donuts were supplied by Bill DeWitt. Ron Majors (pictured at left) spoke on two topics.
First he pointed out his interest in the cents decimal issues of Canada that he collects. He then launched into a display of mourning covers. The width of the black border decreases with time from the date of death. He showed cross-border covers from Canada to the USA and also destinations overseas including Ireland and England. His second subject was the early turned covers of Canada. The method helped save money and also was useful when paper was scarce. He showed drop letters, one franked with a decimal issue on one side and stampless on the other. A 1-cent circular rate turned cover contained a 5-cent stamp. An 1870 cover was franked with a large queen. Bills of lading and bank drafts were used to create turned covers. A Civil War adversity cover was made from wallpaper. Bill Schultz concluded the meeting with a display of pages from his picture postcard exhibit on toll houses and toll gates. The exhibit earned the Research Award on one outing. Members retired to Iron Hill Brewery for lunch. Photo’s/write-up: A. Warren.
“Death Through the Letterbox: Early Canadian Mourning Covers”, by Ron Majors, 2019.
“Early Canadian Turned Covers (And Beyond)”, by Ron Majors, 2019.
2019-07-20: Our fifth meeting was hosted by Bob Rufe. After the minutes were read by Alan Warren from the June meeting, Richard Colberg shared with the attendees his Moline Plow Company Advertising Covers in a round table session, where all could observe and study each cover. AV gremlins prevented our second speaker Alan Warren, RDP from presenting on “The U.S. 1933 Byrd Antarctic Issue: Production, First Day and Other Uses.” He has agreed to present at a later date. General conversation and APS Summer Seminar dialogue easily filled remaining time! And an enjoyable lunch was had at the Iron Hill Brewery. See everyone in August! Agenda HERE.
2019-06-15: Our fourth Gathering was hosted by preeminent, award-winning postal historian Mark Schwartz. Dr. Charles J. DiComo read the website and membership report, while Alan Warren, recent Royal Fellow of Philately recipient, read the minutes from our May meeting. Mark then introduced our two speakers – whose biographies are nothing but exemplary. Dr. Gus Spector spoke first on “The Great Central Fair of 1864”, while Edward Siskin followed with his presentation on “Free Franks” from all the signers of the Declaration of Independence. There was an excellent Q&A session, followed by a short open discussion by Bill Schultz on “Single vs. Multi-Frames Exhibiting” and the recent changes to the rules to allow for more open displays and exhibits. Agenda HERE. Photo’s/write-up: DiComo.
“Free Franks”, by Edward & Jean Siskin, Released to Public Domain, 2019.
“The Great Central Fair”, by Dr. Gus Spector, 2019.
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2019-05-25: Our third Gathering was hosted by Dr. Charles J. DiComo, President of both the Philatelic Society of Lancaster County and Empire State Postal History Society, a USPCS Life Member and Editor-in-Chief of the Chairman’s Chatter. Ellen E. Endslow opened the meeting to 20+ attendees by highlighting upcoming exhibits and events at the Chester County Historical Society. Kean Spencer then shared his complete collection of Canal Zone stamps and postal stationery in a 2 frame display, along with the dynamic history of the region and stamp production and delivery. Thomas Geiger then shared a PowerPoint presentation on his award-winning Exhibit of U.S. 1 Cent Franklin Scott #300, along with a 2 frame display – this was an era of change and experimentation and Scott #300 was a work horse. Bill Schultz ended the session with an open discussion on two new research projects, the preparing a census of the 6 1/4 “phantom” or “convenience” rate from the stampless era, along with the rare 16 1/2 rate (12 1/2 inland fee + 4 Ship Fee) from a nine year period in the 1790’s. Bill distributed a few recently discovered examples and requested the attendees to share any they may possess. Agenda

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2019-04-27: Noted postal historian, exhibitor, judge, and author Bill Schultz hosted our second Gathering, which included two diverse speakers: Dr. Paul Pitcher on the “Introduction to Aviation Pioneering on Postally Used Postcards”; and Bill Schultz’ Single Frame Exhibit on “Fort Delaware POW Prison 1862-1865”. This was followed by an open discussion on the “Importance in Collecting/Exhibiting.” Agenda

2019-03-23: Noted philatelist Kean Spencer hosted our inaugural meeting of The Philatelic Gathering. The agenda included three diverse speakers: Mark Schwartz on “Special Arrangement between the U.S. & Liverpool from 1843-1848”; Bill Schultz on “Dining Car Postcards”; and Vince Costello on “Fancy Cancels” along with 3 displays. Agenda HERE. Photo’s/write-up: DiComo.
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Article in the American Philatelist
In the May 2019 American Philatelist, Ken Martin, COO of the American Philatelic Society, penned an article mentioning our very own Bill Schultz and the formation and mission of our Philatelic Gathering. We thank Ken for the recognition in his Philatelic Happenings section of the AP! Click the image below to enlarge.

Those attending the Philatelic Gathering have shared that each meeting “…has been enlightening and inspiring, especially since there is such a range of interest and levels of expertise.” Why not join us today?
Charter Members
The Charter Members of this group (order determined by lottery), with primary areas of oversight are as follows:
# | NAME | Chair | Advisor | Consultant | Liaison | |
1 | Dr. Paul Pitcher | | Berks County and Railroads |
2 | Norm Shachat | | Montgomery & Philadelphia Counties |
3 | Kean Spencer | | U.S. Stamps |
4 | David Dewsnap | | Stamp Collecting |
5 | Dr. Charles J. DiComo | | U.S. Classics, Stampless & Lancaster County |
6 | Pam Gray | | Chester County History & League of Women Voters |
7 | Bill Schultz | | Postal History & AAPE |
8 | Ellen E. Endslow | | CCHS Liaison |
9 | #9 Retired | ||
10 | Mark Schwartz | | APS & British/Colonial Postal History |
11 | Ron Majors | | Civil War & BNAPS |
12 | Robert Rufe | | Area Stamp Clubs; United States Stamp Society |
13 | Dr. Gus Spector | | Illustrated Mail & PA Postal History Society |
14 | Alan Warren | | Editorial, First Day Covers; AFDCS & Polar Society |
15 | John Howker | | Delaware & Northern Maryland |
16 | Vince Costello | | Fancy Cancels & Postal Markings |
17 | Michael Peich | | Sports History & Baseball on Covers |
18 | Richard Colberg | | Lititz (PA.) PH, France & Canada RPO’s, Baltimore Carrier Stamps |
19 | Dr. William J. DeWitt, III | | Transportation on U.S. Stamps |
20 | Lou DiFelice | | Classic U.S. Stamps & Postal History |
21 | Thomas Geiger, CFM | | U.S. 1c Franklin Issue 1903 & N.J. Postcards |
22 | Hal Klein | | U.S. Banknotes, Lebanon Co. PH, Overrun Countries & Prexies |
23 | Gene Fricks | | Advertising & Illustrated Mail, Direct Mail, PH of Portugal & Airmail Rates |
24 | Ed Siskin | | Colonial Mail, 3c 1851 Issue, N.J. Free Franks & Postal History |
Invited Members
# | NAME | Recruited by | Date | |
25 | #25 Retired | |||
26 | Aaron Heckler | | Charles J. DiComo | 2019-02-13 |
27 | John Barwis | | Bill Schultz | 2019-03-07 |
28 | Michael Marino | | Bill Schultz | 2019-04-25 |
29 | Bill Radcliffe | | Ronald E. Majors | 2019-05-01 |
30 | Chuck Buboltz | | Robert Rufe | 2019-05-15 |
31 | Greg Ajamian | | Robert Rufe | 2019-06-15 |
32 | Steve Washburne | | Alan Warren | 2019-06-19 |
33 | Bruce Marsden | | Bob Rufe | 2019-07-20 |
34 | Jean Woods | | Bob Rufe | 2019-09-21 |
35 | Paul Petersen | | Dr. Charles J. DiComo | 2019-10-19 |
36 | Fred Ferst | N/A | Jean Woods | 2019-11-16 |
37 | Armagan Ozdinc | | Alan Warren | 2020-02-07 |
38 | Jasmine Smith | | Bill Schultz | 2022-10-30 |
39 | Lou Glasgow | | Bill Schultz | 2022-10-30 |
40 | Robert Myers | | Bill Schultz | 2022-10-30 |
41 | Carl Barna | | Bill Schultz | 2022-11-11 |
42 | Jim Margolies | | Bill Schultz | 2023-01-12 |
43 | Mike Wilson | | Bill Schultz | 2023-01-30 |
44 | Steve Kennedy | | Bill Schultz | 2023-02-15 |
45 | Arnie Bresser | | Bill Schultz | 2023-02-15 |
46 | Aldon Spencer | | Bill Schultz | 2023-03-25 |
47 | Rick Leiby | | Bill Schultz | 2023-07-23 |
48 | Jane Snowdon | | Bill Schultz | 2023-08-05 |
49 | Rob Sternberg | | Alan Warren | 2023-10-28 |
50 | Jaume Balsells | | Alan Warren | 2023-10-28 |
51 | Mark Cole | | Aldon Spencer | 2023-11-07 |
52 | Pachy Banks-Cabral, CCHC Dir. ofo Dev. | | Kean Spencer | 2023-12-17 |
53 | Terri Kelly | | Alan Warren | |
54 | Louis Gotlib | | Kean Spencer | |
55 | Bud Barker | | Kean Spencer | |
56 | Marty Peterson | | Kean Spencer | |
57 | Thomas Molchan | | Kean Spencer | |
58 | ||||
59 | ||||
60 |