Philatelic Society of Lancaster County
The James Buchanan Chapter #173 of the American Philatelic Society

Chapter #118 of the American Topical Association 
Do you need a cover or stamp for your collection or research study that you cannot seem to locate? If you are a PSLC member, why not post a free “Research Request” on our website. You might be surprised – one of your fellow collectors might have the item for viewing, trade or sale. Contact Dr. Charles J. DiComo if you would like to post.
LOOKING FOR: Pawling, Patterson & surrounding Post Office’s in Dutchess & Putnam Counties, New York.
Interested in Stampless, Classic, Modern; Postcards, Bank Checks, Advertisements, Victorian Trading Cards, Bank Tags, Currency Includes Pauling(s), Pawling(s)ville, Campbell(s)ville, Pawlings, Pawling, North Quaker Hill, Quaker Hill, Farmer’s Hill, Stonehouse, West Pawling, Holmes, Haviland Hollow, West Patterson, Wingdale, Wing’s Station. Scans appreciated, will trade/purchase, credit will be given: Dr. Charles J. DiComo (2024)
RESEARCH REQUEST: Trying to determine the likely postal route the letter would have taken. From a philatelic standpoint, this is what I have thus far – the cover is from a young soldier assigned to the Fourth U.S. Cavalry at Fort Walla Walla, Washington and sent to his mother who was living at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas. The envelope (U.S. Postal Stationery U311) was posted at the Walla Walla post office on March 27, 1895, the same day the letter was written. The reverse side of the cover indicates a postmark showing receipt at Fort Leavenworth on March 31, 1895. Contact Tom McCormick at (2021-09-14)
LOOKING FOR: A one-and-one-half cent Prexie (Scott #805, #840, or #849) non-profit, bulk mail usage on cover. The non-profit cover has the marking “34.65(d)” next to, or above the stamp and the usage was between 1952-58. Also seeking: Prexie Issue (Scott #803-34, #839-81) and/or Overrun Country Issue (Scott #909-921) usages on cover, tag, MPO, WWII, wrappers, etc.; foreign & domestic for purchase. Examples shown below (click to enlarge). Send scans or details to Hal Klein at (2024)
LOOKING FOR: Corner cards and/or Bill Heads for the Trojan Yacht Company (also known as Trojan Boat Company) that operated in Lancaster County, PA until the late 1980’s. Send scans and/or descriptions of what you have, as well as asking price to Dick Colberg (2024)
LOOKING FOR: Use of “APL” in lieu of “APR” for “APRIL” in New York cancellations on Stamps & Covers.

Period of use ~1830-1855. Interested in 1¢ & 3¢ 1851-57 Issue, Stampless, Locals, Carriers, 1847, etc. The “APL” was used in other NY cities: Albany, Brooklyn, Catskil, Clinton, Cooperstown, Copenhagen, Hudson, Johnstown, New Berlin, Oswego, Plattsburg, Rochester, Sandy Hill, Johnstown, Utica, Watertown, & non-NY state cities. Scans appreciated, will trade/purchase, credit will be given: Dr. Charles J. DiComo (2024)
HELP RECEIVED: Can you identify this Auxiliary marking? And we have an Answer!!

2017-12 …Attached is a 1948 cover from the Waterford area of Ireland to an address in the U.S. It appears to be a personal cover to a fashionable neighborhood in Baltimore, but there is an interesting purple hand-stamp auxiliary impression on this: “Supposed to contain matter prohibited importation See Sec. 2232 P.L.&R.” Any help with this auxiliary marking? Could it have anything thing to do with sending Irish Sweepstakes through the mail? Was that illegal?

2018-01 …Dr. DiComo and Hal Klein responded and shared the postal regulations and posited that mailing the Sweepstakes was probably the issue. 19 USC1305 – “Importation of obscene or immoral articles and lottery tickets prohibited.” In P.L.&R. there is more detail. Lottery tickets are included with articles associated with treason, sedition, insurrection, illegal drugs, obscene material, and much more. Lotteries were illegal in the UK and U.S., so there was extended effort to prevent the tickets from entering America whose citizens were some of the major players.