Philatelic Society of Lancaster County

The James Buchanan Chapter #173 of the American Philatelic Society  
Chapter #118 of the American Topical Association  

White Rose Philatelic Society of York, PA

We are pleased to promote the White Rose Philatelic Society of York, PA, their Programs and other events. The Club, organized in 1957, meets on the fourth Tuesday of each month at 10:15 AM at 100 Redco Ave., Servants Inc. Office, Red Lion, PA 17356.

The Society is a proud Chapter #550 of the American Philatelic Society and has been an APS Club since 1963. For more information, please contact Keith Bloss, President. We look forward to hearing from you.


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In the spirit of philatelic sharing, we offer our members and friends the Society Newsletter.
If you find a broken link or unreadable issue, contact Charles J. DiComo, PhD.